Home Page
The Wellington Caving Group welcomes new members.
If you are interested please attend one of our meetings or contact one of our committee members.
Please notify Trip Leaders early of your interest in their trip.
- The Events page shows upcoming trips.
- The Information page can help you if you are going on a trip, or organising a trip.
For example what to bring and caving gear.
Trips coming up
Labour weekend 25-28 October
NZZS AGM at Waitomo, contact Arvid
No trips planned for November
Club nights
Club nights are held on the second Thursday of every second month, at 7:30pm to approximately 9:00pm, from February to October.
The Club night venue is the Johnsonville Scout Hall, 30 Ironside Rd., Johnsonville
- Club nights are advertised through our email group and can be found in the latest SumpThink.
- The club night programme can be found on the club night page.
Club nights coming up
Thu 13 February 2025
Write up of Cave plan and treatment - Marcus
Thu 10 April 2025
Findings in Paturau - Arvid
Thu 10 June 2025
Bulmer Geology - Gavin
Thu 13 August 2025
Cave movies Te Papa - Julia
Annual General Meeting
The WCG Annual General Meeting is held at the October club meeting.