The following text should be included from another page.
||width=* cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="background-color:white;"
||[[!forum/{$$ggname}/join|''Join'' '''{$$ggname}''']] ||
(:div47 class="smaller":)
||'''[[mailto:{$$ggname} from {$$ggwebsite} website | Post to {$$ggname} group]]''' ||
||[[mailto:{$$ggname} | Subscribe by email]] ||
||[[mailto:{$$ggname} | Unsubscribe by email]] ||
Post to {$$ggname} group -> mailto:{$$ggname}@googlegroups [period] com?Subject=Post%20from%20{$$ggwebsite}%20website |
Subscribe by email -> mailto:{$$ggname}+subscribe [snail] googlegroups [period] com |
Unsubscribe by email -> mailto:{$$ggname}+unsubscribe [snail] googlegroups [period] com |
Here are examples of including the above text.
>>rframe smaller noprint<<
(:include Administration.GoogleGroup#include#includeend ggwebsite='WCG' ggname="wellington-re-cycle":)
>>lframe smaller noprint<<
(:include Administration.GoogleGroup#include#groupend ggwebsite='WCG' ggname="wellington-re-cycle":)
Post to wellington-re-cycle group -> mailto:wellington-re-cycle [snail] googlegroups [period] com?Subject=Post%20from%20WCG%20website |
Subscribe by email -> mailto:wellington-re-cycle+subscribe [snail] googlegroups [period] com |
Unsubscribe by email -> mailto:wellington-re-cycle+unsubscribe [snail] googlegroups [period] com |