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Wellington Caving Group


09th April WGM Committee Meeting Minutes

Present: Simon Davis, Sue Parker, Kim Farrar, Cathye Haddock
Apologies: Mike Woods, Bronwyn Hasler
Starting: 6:30 pm
Closing: 7:30pm

General Business:

  • Bronwyn has created a wish list for the WCG budget 2007-2008. (google docs)
  • Current balance when current income/expenditure clear in accounts $2,336.43.
  • Cathye Haddock has been in contact with Kip Mandeno to organise some training for the club. The suggested date in April was considered too soon. Cathy is going to follow up with Kip for suitable dates. As there has been some interest in the training it was thought to possilby run two trainng courses and the course costs would be split over the two courses. It was also thought that the club should support Bob in training as a trainer.
  • Simon has started an asset register and it is on the google documents.
  • Gavin has not made any further progress on the club lighting.
  • Judith offered to run a trip on the 9th and 10th of August to Piopio. This is a tentative date at this stage.
  • Sue has volunteered to replace Robert Sowerbutts as the Trip Organiser for the club.
  • Barry has purchased a drum of carbide for the club.

Action Items:

Bronwyn HaslerTo continue to follow up on the Michie phones.
Sue Parkerto follow up to get the books from John Lewin to give to Mike Coburn.

Next Meeting

14th May before club night

2011-01-26 15.56.41 P1020053 Simon Coppers at first pool.jpeg: 3000x4000, 3465k (2014 Aug 12 22:18)

April Agenda

  • Previous minutes
  • Action items (see previous minutes)
  • Officers monthly briefing (President, Secretary, Treasurer)
  • 2007-2008 budget progress (Treasurer)
  • Asset register progress (President)
  • Lapsed club members (Treasurer)
  • Program updates (Rob)
    • Trips for July to September
    • Clubnights
  • Carbide progress (Rob/Barry)
  • Club helmets LED replacement progress (President/Gavin)
  • Michie phones funding and construction (Treasurer)
  • New committee members (All - suggestions)
    • Event planner - person required for role
  • May meeting arrangements (All)
  • Training (refer to Cathye/Bob correspondence)