2014 AGM Minutes
Held on August 13, 2014 at Ignite Sport's office: Level 1, 73 -75 Queens Drive, Lower Hutt
Gavin, Barry, Sue, Alex, Gareth, Fuzzy, Nicole, Walter, Arvid, Claire
Simon, Jen, Anna, Rob, Chris
2013 Minutes
AGM meeting minutes of 2013 were read by Arvid and seconded by Barry, no further action necessary
Officer's reports
Sue thanked Barry for membership coordination and treasurer, Jen for support with club celebrations
- main event last year was switching to our new club rooms, she thanked Dan for his help and emphasized that we promised to run 2 trips for the youth for our free stay
- sad events and big loss for us and the club were the passing of Bob Wellington and Roger Newman
- concerning our new area in South Wairarapa : Sue and Barry reminded us not to overstress our access and being compliant with grand parenting scheme
- question how we can motivate the non-active cavers in the club was discussed shortly
Report was read by Barry and seconded by Gavin
- club financials are in good condition, we madw a small surplus of 288 $ last year
- club member numbers is with 35 members in good shape
- gear hire was very good and brought 210 $ to the club (probably due to high number of trips in 2014)
- Barry reminded everybody to pay their subs on time means till end of Sept, last year he had to made 7 different payments to NZSS
- accidentally a payment of 291 $ was made to webhosting 24/7, Simon try to recover this at the moment but the company has a very bad press in the last months for its dubious business practice, so not to much hope here
- question who is our current web host and that we have a Facebook page was briefly discussed
- WCG is going on business banking, Sue Simon and Barry needs to authenticate themselves
- Barry proposed to keep the subs at the same level of 55 $, seconded by Nicole
Secretary and Librarian
Report were read by Arvid
- not much news but Arvid reemphasize to make use of the Library which have apart from books some nice DVDs and all Tomo times now
- library was move from old clubrooms to Arvids house in Lower Hutt and rechecked, some books not on the internet list were found some still missing, website list is up to date now
- Arvid asked members to keep caving related articles or cartoons e.g. from printed newspapers since he wants to start an archive
- Barry donated some more CDs and DVDs to the library
Rescue and Safety
Gareth as rescue and safety coordinator gave quick overview over ongoing activities
- Gareth joined the NZSS subcommittee during the last cave SAREX
- he send a list of gear to stock up WCG non existing rescue kit to a useable level to OZ NZSS SAR coordinator, waiting for the response
- Gareth is trying to find out if and where we can get Mickie phones from
Election of officers
President : Sue stepping down after her 3rd term, Gareth was unopposed elected as president
Secretary : Arvid was unopposed re-elected
Treasurer : Sue was unopposed elected as treasurer, Barry will help during the transition period
Gear Officer : Walter was unopposed re-elected
Webmaster : Alex was unopposed elected
SumpThink editor : Fuzzy was unopposed elected
Committee : Alex, Walter, Barry and Fuzzy were unopposed elected
Trips and events
Apart from usual suspects like AGM, Paturau etc for next year were discussed
- Barry happy to lead a trip to Flower cave (we need to build new grandparents) and if enough interest there is a possibility for Megamania or Bulmer expedition, Barry also reminded us that end of December to beginning of January the nzss Bulmer expedition takes place
- Alex trip to Makuri (had none in 2013)
- Arvid happy to organise whatever is necessary to get down
- Movie night - September club meeting organised by Gareth