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Wellington Caving Group

Caving Year

WCG's Caving year

While trips and events vary, there is a broad structure to WCG's caving year that provides a framework from which the club's event calendar is built upon.

JanuaryNZSS expeditionBulmer
January No clubnight, no SumpThink
Wellington Anniversary weekend Waitomo
Waitangi day Wairoa
MarchNew members night 
EasterPaturauWCG generally send a contingent to this NSG organised weekend
ANZAC weekend Waitomo, Piopio, Mahoenui?, Nelson?
Queens BirthdayCharlestonCCG organised West Coast caving
Queens Birthday WCG away trip, such as Whakapunaki, 2009 to Nettlebed
AugustWCG's AGMElection of committee, Wine and Cheese, Photo competition, best SumpThink article competition
OctoberNZSS AGMHeld alternately in the North and South islands.
DecemberBBQClub barbecue, no clubnight

See also the NZSS caving year.

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