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Wellington Caving Group

Home Page

2006-06-03 14.35.53 P6030024 Skyline.jpeg: 2272x1704, 908k (2009 Apr 03 00:00)

Wellington Caving Group encourages members and prospective members to take an active part in its activities.

The information provided is to assist you understand what caving is about, the terminology, and how to get started with gear.

In return you are encouraged to update and enhance the information based on your experiences and needs.


Start with

NZSS Accident

Occupational Safety
& Health

Karst Management

Join wgtncaving

Post to wgtncaving group -> mailto:wgtncaving [snail] googlegroups [period] com?Subject=Post%20from%20WCG%20website
Subscribe by email -> mailto:wgtncaving+subscribe [snail] googlegroups [period] com
Unsubscribe by email -> mailto:wgtncaving+unsubscribe [snail] googlegroups [period] com