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Wellington Caving Group

NZSS AGM 2006 Registration Information

The Wellington Caving Group is hosting the NZSS AGM over Labour Weekend. The AGM will operate out of the Piopio High School, 18 Aria Rd, Piopio. All meals and meetings will occur within the school grounds. There is accommodation available within the school, and plenty of caving and non-caving opportunities to keep you interested.

Please read this information pack, then fill in and return the downloadable registration form as soon as possible, and certainly before 30 September.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

If you know of anyone who doesn’t have email, and who wants to attend, please either print a copy of the instructions and registration form for them, or get them to contact Mike Wood with their contact details. He will need at least a name and postal address.

WCG Contacts

  • Mike Wood, 04 9760043, 027 4660003, agm [snail] caving [period] org [period] nz
  • Bob Wellington, 04 9053022, 021 1843512, president [snail] caving [period] org [period] nz


Friday 20th4.00pmSetup venue, welcome attendees
 Register at Hall then establish your accommodation
 7.00pmWine and Cheese informal gathering in Hall
Saturday 21stAll dayCaving and other trips
 9.30am to 3.00pmNZSS Council Meeting in Room 23, observers are welcome to attend.
 5.00pmNZSS AGM in Hall
 6.30pmPre-dinner drinks
 7.00pmDinner in Hall
Sunday 22ndAll dayCaving and other trips
 6.00pmBBQ outside Hall, Speleo challenges, Arch Nana award
Monday 23rdMorningGuest speakers or Battleys Cave
 9.00amKieran McKay, Technical aspects of Surveying
 9.45amKieran McKay, Bulmer surveying history
 10.30amRefreshment break
 10.50amDave Hulme, Caving in China
 11.40amBarry Cullen, Go with the Glow, a history of carbide lighting underground
 12.30pmPack up and clean facilities
 3.00pmAll visitors leave College grounds

Registration Form

In the downloadable registration form, please indicate who you are, your accommodation and meal requirements, and the trips you want to go on. Choose your payment method; direct credit or cheque

  • Ideally, you will fill it in electronically.
    • Fill in the highlighted fields, using the TAB and cursor keys to move between them, and the costs will be calculated for you.
    • Email -> mailto:agm [snail] caving [period] org [period] nz (preferred),
    • otherwise print it off and fill it in by hand then post it.
  • For direct credit the bank details are: Westpac, Lambton Quay, Wellington, account 03 0502 0001003 00
  • Anyone who has not had their 16th birthday before Saturday, 21 October 2006 will be charged at the child rates, where they apply.
  • Note the pay your age charge for the AGM dinner.
    • Children aged 5 to 15 pay for the item the same dollars as their age.
    • Fill in their age in years in the rate column, and the number of that age in the # column.
  • In the table, the rate is the price per person, per occasion. So if 2 people are registering on the one sheet, and they want breakfast for 3 mornings, the ‘#’ column value would be 6 and the ‘Tot ($)’ value would be 42.
  • Any children under 5 years may attend free of charge.
  • Continental breakfasts will be cereals, yogurt, fruit, fruit juice and toast with butter and spreads.
  • Packed lunches will be bacon and egg pie or vegetarian quiche, muesli bar, Moro or Mars bar, small fruit juice.
  • All accommodation options cover from Friday 4pm to Monday 3pm, including the use of hot showers, toilets, and use of the hall kitchen.
  • Registration covers rental of the venue and equipment, indemnity insurance, and tea/coffee for the weekend.
  • Send your completed form to:
    WCG - NZSS AGM 2006
    P O Box 71
  • Or email to: agm [snail] caving [period] org [period] nz

Other Activities

If you’re not caving, or simply want something else to do, there are plenty of opportunities available in the area, including the following.

  • Mokau River boat trip
  • Café scene
  • Antique and craft shops
  • Three Sisters Coastal walk
  • Whitebait fritters
  • Rural gardens
  • Museums
  • Surfcasting
  • Kayaking
  • Beach walking

If you want further information on any of these, ask us and we’ll send whatever we have.

Piopio Township

The Piopio township contains:

  • Petrol station
  • Hotel with limited accommodation, bottle store, café/restaurant
  • Superette with beer and wine sales
  • Takeaway/diner
  • Other assorted rural businesses


