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Wellington Caving Group

Home Page

wcg_2012_nzss_agm.jpeg: 960x720, 255k (2012 Sep 05 00:00)
2012-10-21 15.38.18 P1040257 Simon Davis.jpeg: 3000x4000, 5658k (2013 Jan 11 00:00)

Travel Times

Wellington - Masterton: 1.5 hours
Masterton - Martinborough: 1 hour
Masterton - Makuri/Coornoor: 2 hours

Labour Weekend

Friday 19th to Monday 22nd 2012

Photo competition entries closed Friday 5th October     Early Registration closed Sunday 7th October


WCG has a great programme for the NZSS AGM at Labour Weekend.

There is the opportunity for lots of caving for beginners through to experts.
There are many other activities to do in the Wairarapa from fishing, hunting, and tramping, through to wineries and arts and crafts.

You can look forward to the NZSS AGM dinner, arch nana award, photo competition, newsletter competition, and lots of opportunities to catch up and socialise.

Friday 19

Saturday 20

Sunday 21

  • Makuri Coornoor day
  • Also trips to Martinborough
  • BBQ
    • Winners of "Arch Nana" and Survey competition announced

Monday 22

  • clean up, tidy up, farewells and return home
  • caving on request

Accommodation and Venue


please email us -> mailto:nzssagm [snail] caving [period] org [period] nz?subject=NZSS%202012%20AGM%20query%20from%20WCG%20website