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Wellington Caving Group

NZSS Photographic Competition 2012

(:toc-hide:) Each year the Society holds a photographic competition, to stimulate interest in cave photography. This is judged just prior to the Annual General Meeting. There are four sections: prints, novice, artistic, and slide show, all counting towards the overall NZSS Trophy.

Rules Applying to all Sections:

  1. Only financial members of NZSS may enter.
  2. Entries to be of a cave or caving scene.
  3. All entries to be in the hands of the Competition coordinator by the end of the Friday two weeks prior to the Friday of the weekend in which the NZSS Annual General Meeting is to be held. This year the closing date is Friday 5th October.
  4. The trophies and cups always remain the property of NZSS and must remain in New Zealand.
  5. Lighting for all photographs must have been directed by the entrant but processing by others is permitted.
  6. No photograph gaining any award may be entered again in a subsequent year.
  7. Participation shall constitute automatic consent to reproduce the winning images in the NZSS bulletin or website, without charge or notice, but with due credit.
    Note this does not constitute any loss of copyright by the owner.
  8. Any photograph can only be entered in one section
  9. Up to three photographs may be entered per section.
  10. Each section shall have an award for the photograph of the highest standard.
  11. Each section shall have three levels of awards:
    1. Honours - a photograph displaying a high degree of skill, artistic quality and impact;
    2. Merit - a photograph which does not attain Honours level but does have some outstanding qualities;
    3. Acceptance - a photograph of a standard sufficiently high to warrant acceptance for exhibition.
  12. Each section needs to have three financial members enter to make that section live. If the section is not live, then the prize is void for that section of the competition, but award points will still be allocated and count towards the NZSS Trophy.
  13. The competition will be judged by a member of the the Photographic Society of New Zealand, or will otherwise be judged by a person who, in the organiser's opinion, is suitably qualified to undertake the task.
  14. The Photo Competition Coordinator is not allowed to enter the competition..
  15. Entries may be either e-mailed as attachments or sent by mail as prints or on digital storage.
    • E-mailed entries must not exceed 15MB per photo. They will be printed on photo quality paper in 300mm * 200mm or A4 size and will be mounted on plain card.
    • Postal entries must be packed securely in re-useable packaging for return delivery.

Addresses for sending entries are

Entries must be received by Friday 5th October 2012.

  1. Send printed photographs, waterproof wrapped, via courier or post, to:
    Sue Parker
    12 Matuku Street
    Upper Hutt 5018
    Any queries phone (04) 527 7136
Return postage will be paid by NZSS.
Please include your contact details, title your photos, and supply your return address.
  1. Send email entries to:
    to sumpthinking [snail] gmail [period] com, with Photographic Competition in the subject line please and to arrive on or before the Friday 5th October. -->Your early entry would very much be appreciated.
Please include your contact details and title your photos.

The Photo Competition coordinator will take all reasonable care of entries, but will not accept responsibility for any LOSS or DAMAGE.

  • Entrants should arrange their own insurance if required.
  • Entries will be returned after the 2012 NZSS AGM.