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Wellington Caving Group

Canterbury40th Anniversary

This year is the 40th anniversary of the Canterbury Caving Group (CCG). The current committee have planned a weekend of events to celebrate the success (and survival) of a caving club in one of the most unpromising limestone locations in New Zealand.

See the attached document for more details Canterbury40th.pdf Δ

40th Birthday Celebrations

Saturday 5th July 2008 Attach:ccg40th.jpeg Δ

You are invited to join with other past and present CCG members to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Canterbury Caving Group.


5 p.m. Gather at the Brickworks Restaurant (69 Centaurus Road, Cashmere, Christchurch) for a convivial meal.

7.00 – 7.30 p.m. Move next door to the Beckenham Scout Den.

8.00 Dr Malcolm Laird will speak on the geology of the Punakaiki Syncline and the early days of New Zealand caving. Malcolm has been a keen caver, and has authored numerous geological papers, including the Punakaiki Geological Map.

Drinks and a light supper will be provided.

A 40th anniversary T shirt is being produced and will be available for sale during the evening.

Please RSVP by Friday 27th June to:

The Secretary,
Canterbury Caving Group
10 Conway Street
Christchurch 8024


By email to:

alice [snail] caverock [period] net [period] nz

Please indicate whether you will be attending the meal at the Brickworks – bookings are essential!

If you can't attend but would like to send a message to be read out at the gathering, please feel free to email or post your message to either of the above addresses.