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Wellington Caving Group


All items from the club library are available for members to borrow. Send your request to the librarian -> mailto:wcg-librarian [snail] caving [period] org [period] nz and collect them from the next club night.

The club library resides in the Librarian's house in Lower Hutt. Here is the result of an investigation and cataloguing of this taonga - August 2014.

Some of the publications are exciting and informative, some are dated and informative and some are just informative while others are of interest only to nerdy bibliophiles and have already led to many undone chores around my place.

All are available on loan to paid up WCG members, I present the following catalogue which is in no particular order.

Caving books

Title (alphabetical order)AuthorComments
Bungonia cavesSydney Speo society?
Caves and cave divingGuyde Lavaur?
Cave Entrance PlantsWaitomo Caves Museum 
Cave MineralsWaitomo Caves Museum 
The Caves of Texas NSS Bulletin No. 10
CavingPeter Suvart?
Caving International Nos.1 2 3 4 5
Caving mineralsIoana Fullerton (Waitomo)1963
The Darkness BeckonsMartyn Farr1980 The history and development of cave diving. Welsh author, highly recommended
Delving deeperMoriya Lipyeat2005 The history of NZ caving, highly recommended
The Great Caving AdventureMartyn FarrAn autobiography of Martyn's early years in caving and cave diving. Welsh author, highly recommended
Guide lines for Cave and Karst Protection the World Union 1997
Guidelines for cave and Karst protectionIUCN?
Inside Earth No. 4 The Speleo Press, Texas
KarstJ.N. Jennings 
Karst in StoneJill Kerry?
Leuchtend Finsternis (german)Alfred Boegli Herbert W. Franke1965
Manual of Caving TechniquesCecil Cullingford, EdThe Cave Research Group, 1969
The Moas Of New Zealand and Australia  
More Years Under The EarthNobby Casteret 
Mt. Etna and the Caves a Mt. Etna in Australia
Mount Etna Caves "
Nigani Caves??
Papua New GuineaJulia Jones (Editor)?
Rope and rescue riggingG. Prattley2014
Science of speleologyFord/Collingford?
School Journal - Bulmer dye trace (2x)Marcus ThomasMay 2015
SpeleologyMoore and Nicholas1964
Surveying cavesBryan Ellis1976
Underground adventureA. Gemmel/J.O. Meyers1952
The Tabon Caves Archaeological dig in the Philippines
The complete book of cave explorationRoy Pinney1962
The world of cavesA C Waltham1976
21st Anniversary Chronicle NZSS 1970
The Underground Atlas A Gazetteer of the Worlds Caves
Vertical - a technical manual for caversAlan Warild1988 The Speleological Research Council Ltd. Sydney Australia
Waitomo Caves Undated, 16 pages, souvenir booklet
Waitomo Caves leaflet Undated,1 big page, souvenir booklet
NZSS handbook 3rd edition (2x) 1995
DVDs (alphabetical order)
Atea sinki expeditionDVD?
BBC Planet Earth - CavesDVD?
Cave divingDVD?
Cave diving UK, Underground Eiger, Wookey CaveDVD?
Cave-Diving in Blue Creek Resurgence (2014)mp4 
Deep: The Story of Stormy Potavi 
The DescentDVD2005
Exploring NettlebedDVD?
Naica Crystal Cavepps 
National venture scout schoolDVD?
The Nelson Speleogical GroupDVD?
NZ Cave (discovery)VHS?
SRT- Getting startedDVD?
Survey Pearce resurgenceDVD?
2 days to soft rock caveDVD?
Time Life and Man, Robert StirtonVHS1963
Wellington caving group Tape 1+2VHS2005
Wookie CaveDVD2005
Other books (alphabetical order)
The Arrow Book of Climbing 1966
Classic Walks of New ZealandCraig Potton?
Draft Maniapoto Karst PlanDOC 
Land Search and RescueF.E. Gallas1977
North of Khaurangi West of Golden BayCarol Dawber & Cheryl Win?
Paparoa National parkNFAC 
Submissions on report for Punakaiki National Park??
SAR NZ - Vertical rope courseSAR?
Ten years under earthNorbert Casterert1952
Tramping in New ZealandShaun Barnett2006
Maps, surveys, publications, (alphabetical order)
Aspiring and Rees/Dart Recreation AreasMap - TerramapEdition 2,2003
AwakinoMap - TerramapEdition 2,2003
Introduction to Cave Surveying BCRA cave studies No. 2
MarlboroughDOC Parkmap 336-07Edition 4,2006
Milford and Kepler Recreation AreasMap - TerramapEdition 2,2003
Milford TrackDOC Parkmap 355-01Edition 4,2003
Nettlebed mapJ. Ravens1989
North Island Cave Atlas (2x)NZSS1990
NZSS Bulletins till 2006 (All)2x CD?
N.Z. Cave Atlas, South IslandPeter Crossley 
RakiuraDOC Parkmap 336-10Edition 4,2005
South Island Cave AtlasNZSS1990
South Island Cave AtlasNZSS1990
Surveying CavesBryan EllisThe British Cave Research Association, 1976 , Good intro in dos and donts
Folder with infos - MegamaniaBob Wellington?
Folder with infos - Puketiti areaBob Wellington?


Introduction to Cave Photography BCRA cave studies No. 4
Potholing & CavingDon RobinsonKnow the game series. Published in collaboration with the Regional Councils of Caving Clubs in Great Britain (3 copies), 1974
The Cave DiversRobert F Burgess1976
CavesTony Waltham1974
Ghar ParuDavid Judson1973, Expedition to Iran
American Caves and CavingWillaim R Halliday1982, Techniques, Pleasurees, and Safeguards of Modern Cave Exploration
Padirac Historique et description sommaireE A MartelUndated, In french, Padirac Chasm, 30 pages
Jenolan CavesB T Dunlop1977, 88 pages
Discovering cavesTony & Anne Oldham1972, 49 pages, A guide to the show caves of Britain
An Introduction to Geological Structures and mapsG M Bennison1969, 64 pages, for university and college students taking geology as an honours course
NZ KarstTBEA look at New Zealand Karst 2009
The little red Cavers bookNZSS1985

Also, complete copies of all (almost all)

See also