Home Page
WCG encourages and involves people, it is a club where everyone contributes, and you of course get in what you get out. Many hands, light work, etc. We don’t want people to burn out, we want members to be there for the long haul, even if they only come on one trip, and attend one club meeting a year. We'd like to see you take part, in time, in all aspects of the club's life.
The committee consists of three officers and up to six members, elected at the August Annual General Meeting.
"A committee is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993)[1]
These pages provide a collaborative workspace and information for the WCG committee and wider club community.
Whether or not you are on the committee you are welcome and encouraged to have your say and contribute.
The committee also use Google Docs to collaborate and work together conveniently.
This is a discussion and strategy document, outlining the scope of the committee's purview, and the roles and tasks that contribute to an active functioning club.
- new membership
- existing membership
- refresh look of website, content review
- what else?
- subscription rate for 2026
- sending out subs form (WCG will send out in 2025)
- reinvite financial members from previous years
- followup and ownership of action items from AGM
- hire equipment, especially helmet or helmet lights
- what else?
- subscription rate for 2026
- trip book to go one trip to be updated on the trip, can be used as basis for SumpThink articles
- exploration
- surveying
- assets register, stocktake
- combined club gear purchase (February)
See Roles.
Committee meetings
Committee meetings are called in by the president when needed.