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Wellington Caving Group


NZSS AGM - Nelson

24th-26th October 2009 (Labour Weekend)

Hosted by the Nelson Speleological Group

Start making your plans now!

Friday 23rd

Establish accommodation (most people based around the NSG Hut on Takaka Hill).

Saturday 24th

NZSS Council Meeting (Observers welcome, venue to be advised later).
NZSS AGM Late afternoon, pre-dinner drinks followed by dining function – Who will win the “Arch Nanna” this year?, Photographic Competition results, Survey and the Literature Awards etc. . .

Numerous caving trips – possibilities include. . .Harwoods Hole, Greenlink, Swissmaid, Middle Earth, Summit Tomo, Simply Sumpless, Little Harwoods, etc, etc, prospecting?. . .

Sunday 25th

Numerous caving trips, followed by BBQ and skill awards presentations.

Monday 26th

Numerous caving trips, as above.

''Now is the time to submit entries into the photographic, literary and survey competitions.''

Think about a particular cave trip you may have always wanted to do and suggest it for the AGM trip list.

Further details and registration forms will be sent to clubs soon and will also be posted on NSG and NZSS websites.

If you require assistance with accommodation or transport contact Andrew Smith on (03)543 2600 or livelife [snail] paradise [period] net [period] nz