2006 Teaser
What is? Well, it’s that amazing event on the New Zealand Caving Calendar, the
- NZSS AGM21 to 23 October 2006
Attach:stal.jpeg Δ This time it is being hosted by the
Wellington Caving Group
and will be held at Piopio College in
The caves in the Piopio area are mainly horizontal, with some vertical opportunities, plus a couple of family friendly caves close to Piopio township (like Maatas Cave shown here).
WCG has the planning for the event well underway, including caving and non caving so are sure that it will be a great weekend. If you would like to receive updates as they occur, please drop us a line letting us know who you are, and an email address.
c/o Wellington Caving Group
P O Box 71
Or email to: agm [snail] caving [period] org [period] nz