Photos /
Template Upload
[[#upload]] (:div853 class='frame rfloat noprint smaller':) (:div854 id=newUploadPage:) (:messages:) (:input form enctype='multipart/form-data' action={*$PageUrl}:) (:input hidden action postupload2:) ''(:if equal "{$$file}" "":)Photo(:else:){(ucfirst "{$$file}")}(:ifend:)'': (:input file uploadfile size=40:) (:input submit post Upload:) (:input end:) %lfloat%[- [[{*$FullName}?action=edit | Edit page]] Max size 12MB -] (:div854end:) %right smaller noprint%(:togglelink init=hide set=1 div='newUploadPage' lhide='hide' lshow='add (:if equal "{$$file}" "":)photo(:else:){$$file}(:ifend:)':) (:div853end:) [[#uploadend]] |
To use this template use the following include. This would generally be placed in the group header.
(:include Photos.TemplateUpload#upload#uploadend file="Photo":) |
Based on original at