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Wellington Caving Group

2008 AGM Minutes

13th August WCG AGM Meeting 2008


Present: Simon Davis, Kim Farrar, Rob Gittins, Bronwyn Hasler, Justin Hall, Steve Rush, Sue Parker, Alex Horvat, Scott Miller, Bruce, Olly Betts, Jenny Black.
Apologies: Bronwyn Hasler, Bob Wellington, John Lewyn, Cathye Haddock, Judith de Wilde
Starting: 7:30 pm
Closing: 8:10pm

Presidents Report

A year is a short and a long time in the life of the committee. Short because it is busy, fun, and its great to see the achievements of the club over the 12 months. Long because casting one's mind back there have been so many club activities that have happened and been enjoyed.

Looking forward we need fresh blood on the committee. Two committee members have moved on during the year. With a baby due in October the Treasurer would also like to step down from the committee. Our Gear Officer would like to pass his mantle on to a more active caver.

Being on the committee is a great way to contribute to the leadership, coaching, mentoring, and facilitation that make the club work and events happen. Committee members take on roles of interest (see the web site committee page for more on this), and this spreads the work around.

Looking back over the year a lot has been done, all the trips have been great trips, and all members have had the chance to be involved - and most have. Its thanks to those who lead and organise the events, and those who come along and participate, and help and encourage othres to come along, that make WCG such a good club.

I look forward to another year's caving

  • Treasurers Report was read - Details below. The financial report was accepted by Simon Davis and seconded by Steve.

Treasurers Report

Overall the club has had a financially good year with strong membership growth supporting most of our expenses.

Cash Book Opening Balance: $2324.55 Closing Balance: $2119.36 Unpresented cheques: $35.00 Balance as per Stmt: $2154.36

Income and Expenditure Income for the year totaled $1,917.00 (including NZSS Subs), which is an increase in comparison to last years figures if the 2007 NZSS AGM income is not taken into account. This increase can mainly be attributed to membership growth, and possibly subsequent gear hire.

Expenditure was slightly higher than our income this year. This can mainly be attributed to the purchase of a Suunto Tandem Clino for surveying, creation of a new Life Membership Award and also purchase of a new drum of carbide.

There was a net loss in Income over Expenditure of $205.19. Hopefully carbide sales in the next year will off-set this in the future.

Membership We have had a considerable influx of 15 new members; so congratulations everyone on the successful membership drive this year. There has been a loss of four previous members, who have shown no interest in rejoining (after several attempts!). Overall net gain 11 members.

Funding The Michie Phone project is in hand and we expect to hear if we have been given funding from the Lotteries (through SAR) at the end of the month.

Election of officers:

  • President: Simon nominated himself again as president. Seconded by Sue.
  • Secretary: Kim Farrar said she would remain secretary, there were no other nominations.
  • Treasurer: Bronwyn Hasler resigned as treasurer. There were nominations or any volunteers to take up the role. Role will remain unfilled until a later date.

Committee members:

  • Alex Hovart agreed to take on the role of committee member and to manage the Website.
  • Sue Parker agreed to take on the role of committee member and to be the editor of the SumpThink newsletter.
  • Steve Rush agreed to take up a role as a committee member.
  • Scott Miller agreed to take up a role as a committee member.

General Business:

  • It was discussed and agreed that subs will remain the same for the year 2008/2009. Nominated by Simon Davis seconded by Sue Parker.
  • Justin raised that the SAR kit should be inventoried.
  • There was a reminder for people to get any articles in on trips for SumpThinK.
  • There was some discussion over Ramseys neck as the entrances are blocked. One of them had a lot of rubbish. It was discussed about checking the smaller end out. Simon Davis will talk to Wayne and they will follow up.
  • The best SumpThink edition was voted on.