10th June WCG Committee Meeting
Present: Simon Davis, Kim Farrar, Rob Gittins, Bronwyn Hasler,
Apologies: Justin Hall,Steve Rush
Starting: 6:30 pm
Closing: 7:30pm
General Business:
- Bronwyn agreed to take up the position as tresurer (after Scott resigned) until the end of August 09.
- Bronwyn mentioned that NZSS thought that approximatly $100 is still owed for subs. Bronwyn is going to go through the club finances and confirm membership and the bank balance.
- More trips are required to be organised for the upcoming months and it would be good to have a couple of trips that are organised for the next committee.
- Quite a few people have taken up the opportunity of the bulk gear purchase organised by simon in conjunction with Hangdog.
- There was not much interst in the Tee shirts after Steve sent the email about them. However it was discssed at the club meeting after and people indicated they would be keen if the design was better.
- Bronyn mentioned that progress has been quite slow on the Michie phones. Arthur is currently building prototype.
- Dave Hume was asked if he could assit with improving the lighting on the club helmets. He was happy to help but said he had limited Time. Dave said he thinks he would have enough parts to complte an upgrade to the lights. He suggested that this could be done during one of the club nights.
- It was also suggested the Michie phones could be built during the club night as well, however care would be required in assembly.
Action Items:
Name | Action |
Simon Davis | To talk to Wayne and follow up on Ramsey’s neck. |
Steve Rush | To look at getting some more professional posters that can be put up to inform more people about the club. |
Kim Farrar | To purchase a exercise book that can be used as a club trip book. |
Justin Hall | Has talked to Bob Wellington about organising a time to itemise the SAR gear. |
Simon Davis | To write a letter to the NZSS council on communication to the clubs and that Simon would like to be included in reviewing the updated constitution. |
Kim Farrar | To follow up with NZSS to find out about the request for the second Edition caving CD. |