2009 Quarterly Meeting
Chair / Facilitator: | Justin Hall |
Scribe: | Justin Hall |
Date: | 22/11/2009 |
Time: | 17:30 to 19:00 |
Location: | Rob Gittons house, Whitby, Porirua. |
* | Justin Hall | (JH) | President |
* | Bronwyn Hasler | (BH) | Treasurer |
A | Simon Davis | (SD) | Secretary |
* | Alex Horvat | (AH) | New Members |
* | Rob Gittons | (RG) | Committee Member |
* | Walther Jobstal | (WJ) | Committee Member |
* | Gavin Holden | (GH) | Member |
[* in attendance, A Apologies, AB absent, + substitute, c Copied]
Meeting Minutes
Item | Description | Action | Date |
Calendar Dates | |||
1.01 | The following dates were agreed for the next 3 quarterly committee meetings: | ||
- | Sunday 7th February 2010. | AH | 07 Feb |
- | Sunday 9th May 2010. | TBC | 09 May |
- | Sunday 1st August 2010. | TBC | 01 Aug |
1.02 | The need for the committee to set date based and measureable goals was discussed. It was agreed that the committee should measure themselves against these. | Note | |
1.03 | No trip is currently planned for Wellington anniversary weekend 23 – 25 January. GH noted he may run a trip to Puketiti and would let members know if this was the case. | GH | 08 Jan |
1.04 | No change to the trip list. | Note | |
Item | Description | Action | Date |
Treasurers Report and Recruitment | |||
2.01 | WCG account balance as of 22 November 2009: $3,537.36. | Note | |
2.02 | Member ship as of 22 November 2009: | ||
- | 30 members. | Note | |
- | 2 members indicated they would rejoin but have not paid subs. | ||
- | 1 new member indicated that he would join. WG to chase. | WJ | 18 Dec |
- | 4 members lost: Steve, Katy, Gary, Scott. | ||
2.03 | The 4 lost members were discussed. Feedback was that they had left due to personal time commitments or not being interested in caving rather than due to club activities. | Note | |
2.04 | New membership: | ||
- | The question was asked if the club wanted to attempt to replace the 4 new members and it was decided “yes”. | ||
- | Alex Horvat was elected as being “head or recruitment”. | ||
- | Recruitment stand at Johnsonville fair. | AH | 11 Dec |
- | Drive to get beginners on new member’s trip in March 2010. | AH/SD | 12 Mar |
2.05 | Electronic Signature System: | ||
- | Bronwyn ran through the laborious procedure it was to make a payment from a club account when 2 physical signatures were required. | ||
- | Due to the potential for having a relative newbie as treasurer of unknown responsibility (E.g. Scott) it was decided that 2 signatures are still required. | ||
- | Bronwyn to investigate 2 electronic signatures as a possibility. | BH | 7 Feb |
Item | Description | Action | Date |
General Business | |||
3.01 | Michie Phone’s: Bronwyn noted that Arthur was targeting to have 8 units made by January 2010. | AN | 29 Jan |
3.02 | Club Website: | ||
- | Alex noted that it was up to date. | Note | |
- | The Cavity news letter has been removed from the WCG. | Note | |
- | Given CCG’s reaction to having The Cavity published on WCG website, the need to consult with the authors of caving news articles before use on the WCG website was discussed. | Note | |
3.03 | Club Library: | ||
- | To go from Mike to Kim. | Note | |
- | NZSS bulletins free for members to have. To be announced at club events. | All | |
3.04 | SAR Kit List (currently in Gavin’s possession): | Note | |
- | 2 x 50mm 36KN prusik minding pulleys. | ||
- | 6 x Alloy D 24 KN screw gate karabiners. | ||
- | 2 x 5m 25mm tape. | ||
- | 1 x 10m 25mm tape. | ||
3.05 | Growth of SAR kit, the following questions were posed, the committee members have to the following meeting to form their opinion where a consensus will be developed. | All | 7 Feb |
- | What are the national expectations of WCG with regard to SAR capability? | ||
- | What are WCG’s expectations of our own SAR capability? | ||
- | What training is required of members to meet these expectations? | ||
- | What equipment is required by WCG to meet these expectations? | ||
- | What can WCG realistically achieve SAR wise given its current membership? | ||
- | What funding is available if required? | ||
It was agreed that other club members should be consulted in this exercise, namely Barry Cullen, Bob Wellington and Gavin Holden for their expertise. JH and BH to ensure contact. | JH/BH | 7 Feb | |
3.06 | Club Ropes: | ||
- | The use of individual ropes at club meetings was discussed. | ||
- | It was decided that the club would not purchase its own ropes. | Note | |
- | It was decided that members should make a gold coin donation or buy a drink for the ropes owner for each drop. This is to be raised at the next club night and at Bob’s BBQ for which I expect he’ll be grateful. | BH | 12 Dec |
3.07 | Club Helmets: | ||
- | All go to be given to Bob to make his purchase. | JH | 18 Dec |
Next Meeting Date: Sunday 7th February 2010
Next Meeting
Location: | Alex Horvat TBC |
Meeting Time: | 5.00pm |
Chair/ Facilitator: | J Hall |
Scribe: | A Horvat |