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Wellington Caving Group


2010 Quarterly Meeting

Chair / Facilitator:Justin Hall
Scribe:Justin Hall
Time:17:00 to 19:00
Location:Alex’s place in Berhampore


*Justin Hall(JH)President
ABronwyn Hasler(BH)Treasurer
*Simon Davis(SD)Secretary
*Alex Horvat(AH)New Members
*Rob Gittons(RG)Committee Member
*Walther Jobstal(WJ)Committee Member

[* in attendance, A Apologies, AB absent, + substitute, c Copied]

Meeting Minutes

 Calendar Dates  
1.01We started the meeting by remembering Arthur Norgrove who had passed away 2 weeks earlier and who some of us had known well or attended his funeral.Note 
1.02The following dates were agreed for the next 2 quarterly committee meetings:  
-Sunday 16th May 2010.JH16 May
-Sunday 1st August 2010.TBC01 Aug
1.03A Wellington anniversary weekend 23 – 25 January trip was discussed but as no one had offered to run one, it was deemed unlikely to go ahead.Note 
1.04Trip list:  
-20 & 21 February – caving trip to Martinborough.Alex 
-26 – 28 February – Deep cave Sarex Nelson.NZSS 
-13 – 14 March – Beginers trip Tongariro.Simon 
-2 – 5 April – Easter trip to Paturau.NZSS 
-2 – 5 April – Easter trip to Wairoa.cancelled 
-7 – 9 May – Waitomo trip.Kim 
-5 – 7 June – Queens birthday trip to Nelson.Bob. 
-5 – 7 June – Queens birthday trip to West Coast.CCG 
-17 – 18 July – Hawkes Bay exploratory caving.Bob 
-21 -22 August – Makuri Coonor trip.Walter 
 Treasurers Report and Recruitment  
2.01No update from Bronwyn as she was unable to attend the meeting.Note 
2.02Member ship down 1 with respect to Arthur.Note 
2.04New membership:All12 Mar
-Alex Horvat was elected as being “head or recruitment” at the last meeting and reported no new members yet Alex 
-Drive to get beginners on new member’s trip in March 2010.All 
2.05Electronic Signature System: No update as Bronwyn was unable to attend.BH7 Feb
-Bronwyn ran through the laborious procedure it was to make a payment from a club account when 2 physical signatures were required.  
-Due to the potential for having a relative newbie as treasurer of unknown responsibility (E.g. Scott) it was decided that 2 signatures are still required.  
-Bronwyn to investigate 2 electronic signatures as a possibility.  
 General Business  
3.01Michie Phone’s:
JH noted that on speaking with Arthurs sister, she indicated that the michie phone sets and construction instructions he had would be passed onto the club.
3.02Club Website:
Alex noted that it was up to date.
WCN, the website host is no longer receiving support from WCC. However alternative arrangements are being made for WCN hosting and Simon is confident that no action is required.
Recommended however that the club purchase its own domain name, and not being available be acquired
3.03Club Library:
To go from Mike to Kim.
NZSS bulletins free for members to have. To be announced at club events.
3.04The Sar capabilities of the club were discussed. However decisions would be put off to the next committee meeting as Gavin, Barry and Justin would attend the national deep cave Sarex later in the month and get a better understanding from the NZSS and police what the expectations of us were.JH26 Feb
3.05Growth of SAR kit, the following questions were posed, the committee members have to the following meeting to form their opinion where a consensus will be developed.All7 Feb
-What are the national expectations of WCG with regard to SAR capability?
What are WCG’s expectations of our own SAR capability?
What training is required of members to meet these expectations?
What equipment is required by WCG to meet these expectations?
What can WCG realistically achieve SAR wise given its current membership?
What funding is available if required?
-It was agreed that other club members should be consulted in this exercise, namely Barry Cullen, Bob Wellington and Gavin Holden for their expertise. JH and BH to ensure contact.All07 Feb
3.06Club Ropes:
The use of individual ropes at club meetings was discussed. It was decided that the club would not purchase its own ropes. It was decided that members should make a gold coin donation or buy a drink for the ropes owner for each drop.
Note BH12 Dec
3.07Club Helmets:
Purchased by Bob, we are now waiting to see them.

Next Meeting Date: Sunday 16 May

Next Meeting

Location:Justin Hall, Apt 504, 163 The Terrace.
Chair/ Facilitator:J Hall