12th March WGM Committee Meeting
Present: | Simon Davis, Sue Parker, Kim Farrar, Robert Sowerbutts, Bronwyn Hasler |
Apologies: | Mike Wood |
Starting: | 6:30 pm |
Closing: | 7:30pm |
General Business:
- An asset list has been started and is available as a Google document.
- A drum of carbide has been ordered. Simon Davis and Bob Wellington will transport the carbide back from Nelson.
- Mike Coburn is away for 2½ months during this time the library will not be available. There have not been many requests from the library. If anyone wants anything from the library they will have to contact Mike before he leaves.
- To date 27 people have paid their membership. There are only a few to follow up on.
- John Lewin was voted in as a life member by the WCG Committee. This was moved by Simon Davis and seconded by Bronwyn Hasler and all agreed on the committee.
- SAR is providing grants for Mickie phones. Bronwyn has talked to Colin Daniels about WCG putting a bid in for some phones. The Committee determined that 6-8 phones would be required, a base unit and 1-2 km of cable.
- There are forms on the SPRC website for the next submission round. The next submission round will close on 24 April 2008.
- It has been suggested that we extend our SAR list by 2 people for first contact for the Police to help ensure that people are contactable during a rescue. The names and contact details should be sent to Oz Patterson.
- Current bank balance for the club is $3,425.30. However there are two un-presented cheques to be paid, once paid the account balance will be $2,473.30.
Action Items:
Name | Action |
Bronwyn | To discuss with Arthur Freeman the requirement of Michie phones. |
Simon Davis | To send Bronwyn a paragraph on the caving conditions and requirements for a Mickie phone set. |
Bronwyn Hasler | To add Simon Davis and Sue Parker as bank account signatories. |
Bronwyn Hasler | To contact the Lotteries Commission to find out about funding for clubs. |
Sue Parker | To contact prepare a submission for the next funding rounding starting 24th April. |
Simon Davis | To find out any information about John Lewin for the life membership. |
Next Meeting
9th April before club night
March Agenda
- Officers monthly briefing (President, Secretary, Treasurer)
- 2007-2008 budget (Treasurer)
- Asset register progress (President)
- Lapsed club members (Treasurer)
- Carbide progress
- Club helmets LED replacement progress
- Michie phones construction
- Michie phones funding
- Library holder while Mike is away
- New committee members (All - suggestions)
- April meeting - suggested topic update - JL - recognition, and get together for other similar members
- Planning trips for the second half of the year