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Wellington Caving Group


13th August WCG Committee Meeting


Present: Simon Davis, Sue Parker, Kim Farrar
Apologies: Bronwyn Hasler
Starting: 6:30 pm
Closing: 7:30pm

General Business:

  • The current Balance is $2154.36.
  • There are currently 33 paid members in the club.
  • There was a net loss in Income over Expenditure of $205.19 for the year.
  • Simon is keen to get more members into roles on the committee to help share the load. This will be raised at the WCG AGM to get more committee members.
  • Not much progress has been made with obtaining funding, to be looked at within the next committee.
  • The Michie Phone project is in hand and we expect to hear if we have been given funding from the Lotteries (through SAR) at the end of the month.
  • Simon has sent out a feedback for out to all club members. Some of these have been returned and there are club members that are willing to assist/run club trips. This will assist organising the club trips for the next year.
  • The Karst Index is currently not being used and is not very accessible, further discussion required as to how this could be more useful to club members.

Action Items:

Simon DavisTo find out about auditing the of the club accounts and who has done this in the past.
Simon DavisTo follow up on the Karst Index
Simon DavisTo itemise the first aid kit.
Simon DavisTo follow up and find out about the constitution.
Kim FarrarTo follow send a letter to NZSS so get a second edition of the caves CD.

August Agenda

  • Previous minutes
  • Action items (see previous minutes)
  • Officers monthly briefing (President, Secretary, Treasurer)
  • AGM planning
  • Committee for next year

Pizza at 6pm for 6:30 sharp start