8th October WCG Committee Meeting
Present: Simon Davis, Sue Parker, Kim Farrar, Scott Miller, Justin Hall, Steve Rush
Starting: 6:30 pm
Closing: 7:30pm
General Business:
- There are currently 6 paid members for 2008/2009.
- Suggested that we could do something on caving on the Good Morning Show.
- The posters from the new members meeting this year are on the website. These can be updated for 2009 and put up in shops and supermarkets to advertise teh new members night in February 2009.
- Venturers may also be a good group to target.
- Steve Rush now has most of the club hire gear. He raised that the GPS is missing from the club gear.
- Steve Rush has offered to run a trip on Waitangi weekend and to organise the Patarau trip in Easter next year (10-13 April 2009).
- Kim Farrar agreed to run a trip to Waitomo Easter next year as well(10-13 April 2009).
- Kim Farrar offered to help Steve Rush with the organisation of the new member trip at Makuri (14-15 February 2009).
- Steve Rush will organise the next club meeting, he is going to try and get a guest speaker.
- Steve Rush mentioned he knows of some other accommodation at Makuri that may cost $2 a night (however hot showers would not be available, he is going to find out more information.
Action Items:
Name | Action |
Sue Parker and Steve Rush | To follow up and find out about the good morning Programme. |
Simon Davis | Update new members posters for 2009. |
Justin Hall | Has talked to Bob Wellington about organising a time to itemise the SAR gear. |
Steve Rush | To talk to the landowner about the Ramseys Neck cave. |
Steve Rush | To talk to the owner of the other possible accommodation at Makuri. |
October Agenda
- Previous minutes
- Action items (see previous minutes)
- Officers monthly briefing (President, Secretary, Treasurer)
- 2008-2009 budget (Treasurer)
- 2008-2009 Membership
- Travel to AGM in Waitomo
- Club night topics
- Review trips
- Gear funding (Treasurer, Sue)