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Wellington Caving Group


9th September 2009 WCG Committee Meeting


Present: Justin Hall, Bronwyn Hasler, Alex Horvat, Rob Gittins, Darryl Brian

(Later) Bob Wellington & Gareth Penhale

Apologies: Simon Davis
Starting: 6.57pm
Closing: 7.40pm

Election of Officers

  • President: Justin re-accepted a previously declined nomination as president.
Nomintated: Bronwyn Seconded: Alex
(General consensus of decision was gained from members at the club meeting).

Justin's presidential policies for the coming year:

  • Go caving – which is why he volunteered as Trips and Meetings Co-ordinator.
  • Committee meetings quarterly - change from being monthly prior to main club meeting to quarterly at alternate members houses on the first Tuesday of every third month. The proposal was accepted and the following dates were decided:
    • 3rd November, 2nd February, 4th May, 3rd August.
    • Club AGM 11th August.
  • Action items completed in shorter timeframes – set date based goals and accomplish task in the set timeframe so that projects don't drag on.

Treasurer's Report

Account Balance: $3428.36

Membership: 14 members have joined so far

General Business

  • Michie phone update: All parts have been purchased and Bronwyn is waiting to hear back from Arthur regarding progress.
  • WCG Website: Alex advised that the website is up to date
  • Club library: Mike Coburn still has the library which is due to go to Kim's soon
  • SAR kit list: Justin has yet to go to Bob's and make a list of the SAR kit held there.
  • Club Ropes: The issue previously raised by Bob regarding the purchase of some club ropes was readdressed.
  • It was decided that the club would not purchase a Harwoods rope. Members who wish to do the Harwoods Hole trip could hire the NSG Harwoods rope or purchase a suitable amount which could later be resold in various lengths.
  • Agreement to purchase enough rope to cut cut into 40m & 60m lengths for club trip use, allowing for shrinkage (approx 110m?). Quote required.
  • Further research is required as to what thickness (10-11mm?), preferred brand, and best deal. Possibly wait for rope to be discounted or come up on special somewhere. Justin to ask Simon to do some research on this.
  • Further considerations to be discussed/researched are where the rope will be stored, provision of a rope log and legal issues surrounding a 'use at your own risk' type provision.
  • Club Helmets & Lights: Bob presented some options to the committee and showed us his own Climbing Technology helmet. With headsize 'adjustability' being of prime importance it was agreed to purchase four Climbing Technology helmets through Aspiring Enterprises at $74 each rather than the more expensive Petzl equivalent. For lighting it was agreed to purchse 4 Petzl Duo (14 LED version) lights. Bob advised that standard retail of the Duo was $299 and perhaps a discount could be sought. Bronwyn to check if we can source them cheaper directly through Spelean.
  • The helmet options were:
    Ecrin Roc $215, Elios $159, both Petzl and Free Air by CT $84.
    Helmet with light combo, Explorer $669, Spelios $379, both Petzl.
    Lighting, Duo 14 led light $299, Duo Fixo $295, both Petzl.
    The CT helmet price is from Aspiring, the remainder are from Bivouac and have not had any discount as available applied to them.

Action Items

BronwynChase Arthur re Michie Phones 
JustinSAR kit list 
Justin/SimonClub Rope research and quote2009-10-18Done, see price list
BobPurchase helmets research Petzl Duo prices 
BronwynEmail friend at Spelean re Petzl Duo discount 

Next Meeting: Rob Gittin's house, Tuesday 3rd Nov, 2009.