2012 AGM Minutes
Held on 12th August 2012 at Mitsubishi Motors
Sue Parker, Barry Cullen, Jen Roberts, Rob Gittins, Arvid Hunze, Walter Jobstl, Gavin Holden, and Cathye Haddock
Simon Davis, Gareth Penhale, and Bob Wellington
2011 Minutes
The 2011 minutes were read and a correction made to the spelling of Mitsubishi Motors – apologies Baz.
Proposal to accept minutes as true and correct made by Jennifer Roberts and seconded by Rob Gittins.
2011 Matters Arising
Officer's Reports
Sue P read the Presidents report for 2012
It was recorded that Barry Cullen has taken over all duties from Bronwyn Hasler.
Barry spoke to his Treasurers Report. Total in the bank is over $3000 No gear hireage shown for the year.
Baz to check this out and make sure it’s not his error.
It was noted that a decision was made that WCG would contribute $300 towards the running of the 2012 NZSS AGM.
Sue mentioned also that the club had agreed to cover the cost of the host farmers – Leigh and Wayne Finlayson for any social events that they may like to attend, in recognition of their help and involvement in allowing access to their property for exploration, for the AGM and other.
NZSS has contributed $200 towards the AGM.
Election of Officers
There had been no nominations or challenge for the role of officers.
- Sue P is available for President and there being no other contenders is re-elected unopposed
- Baz is available for Treasurer and there being no other contenders is re-elected unopposed
- Susan is current secretary. No volunteer to take on the role of secretary so it’s with Sue P until someone wants the post.
It was called for volunteers to take on a role on the committee.
- Arvid Hunze, Cathye Haddock, Gavin Holden, and Rob Gittins are the incumbent committee members.
- Walter is to retain the gear officers role
- Sue will continue to edit SumpThink
- Simon Davis will continue with the Web Master duties.
General Business
Disappointing to find out that there has been no money paid over or into the bank account for [[Information/HireEquipment|gear hireage] this year.
Sue to follow this through.
Baz proposed that the committee meet on a Monday night each quarter – quarter and month to be decided. There was some discussion around meeting before the monthly meeting but it was felt that it intruded in on the meeting time.
As there aren't always matters to be discussed then Sue felt it better to be as required quarterly. As the AGM is coming up then there will be monthly if not fortnightly maybe weekly meetings.
It was very poor turnout, in a year with an important event to be organised not like last year where we had 16 members. It was checked to make sure we had a quorum present.
All SumpThink issues found have been scanned and are on the website. A small number of issues are still missing. Barry C is to check to see if it was from his time as editor. They weren't all called SumpThink back then. Each edition had its own name that started with a letter from SumpThink i.e. Sumpstink.
Meeting Closed
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm to the board room for Cathye’s talk and cave photos on her recent trip to Vietnam.